A patient with a wound that has not healed after one month is considered to have a chronic wound. Those suffering from chronic wounds experience a disruption to their everyday lives, and wound specialists can have a significant impact on their quality of life by providing compassionate, expert care.
Our wound specialists have been trained in the care and treatment of all types of wounds (see below).
Our doctors deliver cutting-edge treatments to get your wound to heal. We work with a multidisciplinary team, including primary care physicians, cardiologists, vascular surgeons, and wound care nurses, nutritionists orthotists, prosthetists and others to address any and all factors that may be keeping the wound from healing.
Wound healing can be a complex process and wounds heal differently for everyone and improvements are not seen overnight. As wound specialists, we demonstrate the patience and compassion our patients require as they navigate the often long road to recovery.
Venous Ulcers • Pressure Ulcers • Arterial Ulcers • Necrotizing Infections • Surgical Postoperative Wounds • Burns • Diabetic Ulcers • Skin Tears • Deep Tissue Injury • Moisture-associated Skin Damage • • Infectious Wounds • Atypical Wounds • Traumatic Wounds • Gangrene • Osteomyelitis

We are committed to making your feet look and feel their very best!
Call us today at 215-491-1963 to schedule an appointment.
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